About Your E.T.R.

As the types of medical information we can collect have increased and the means for collection have expanded, we have been faced with the opportunity to understand our health more comprehensively than ever before and - as a result - to treat diseases and disorders more precisely and effectively. Our growing knowledge has even made it easier for us to prevent health challenges before they arise. 

These opportunities are limited, however, by our ability to act on all the new information we have. When it comes to medical records and test results, meaningful clinical decisions are hindered by the challenge of easily and where and how to store all the new information we have and how to make it accessible when it’s needed.

We developed YourETR in response to this challenge, which we saw exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As patients have undergone medical testing in different contexts to facilitate social distancing - such as at home or through drive-up services - the issues of health data storage and access have become even more complicated. 

YourETR helps anyone facing the challenge of streamlining the health data storage and access process - whether you are a patient who wants to take ownership of your medical records and test results, an employer who wants to empower your employees to improve their health, or a provider who wants to help patients keep their data in one place - to facilitate easier and better clinical choices. 

Ready to get started with YourETR HIPAA-compliant platform? Subscribe now